На несколько дней, с 10 по 13 октября, Печорин заглянет в Лас-Вегас. Не в казино, а на PollyGrind Underground Film Festival, в статусе официального номинанта и представителя "another breed" - "другой породы". Так действительно звучит одна из номинаций этого удивительного фестиваля - одного из самых авангардных в Северной Америке.
Трейлер фестиваля http://vimeo.com/58853376
PollyGrind 2013 from Chad Clinton Freeman on Vimeo.
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"Reveling in everything from arthouse to grindhouse to everything in between, PollyGrind has quickly made a name for itself as one of the up-and-coming premiere genre fests out there due to the success of each year of programming." - DreadCentral.com
A "collection of blood, nudity and scares with art-house actresses playing every night creature from hookers to zombies." - Robin Leach, celebrity blogger/journalist
"It''s a B-movie jamboree of awesomeness, and only Vegas has the balls to host such a pristine event." - ArrowInTheHead.com
"You can count on PollyGrind to deliver buzzworthy films you just won''t find in theaters." - Herschell Gordon Lewis, The Godfather of Gore
"A paean to a brand of rugged, gritty filmmaking that refuses to lie down and die, PollyGrind celebrates shoestring passion and unsavory inspiration, it gives voice to primal screams and rebel yells: it''s got the (buckets of) guts that most festivals lack." - Sean Gill, director of Fresh Piss, 2012 best transgression short
"Chad Clinton Freeman runs a festival that I believe stands for originality, courage and left of centre storytelling. I''ve followed PollyGrind since it''s inception and as a first time filmmaker, to screen at the festival was both an honour and dream come true." - Jennifer Campbell, director of Hike, 2012 best woman director, short film
"PollyGrind is real independent cinema! A wide variety of some really great art that you won''t see anywhere else." - Sean Ferris, director of Everyday Today, 2012 best experimental short
"Troma is proud of what you are doing." - Lloyd Kaufman
"What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay there." - MovieMaker
"PollyGrind is full of interesting discoveries that deserve an audience." - Josh Bell, Las Vegas Weekly film critic
"While the Oscars seek to reward only moderately good pictures that did rather poor business at the box office… The Pollygrind Film Festival yearly rewards some of the most outrageous achievements in filmmaking that combines the shticks of exploitation films with arthouse films." - WizBangPop.com
"If you''re gonna be in Vegas in the middle of October, I''ve got an event that you''re not going to want to miss." - ArrowInTheHead.com
"Just what Sin City needed, some more sin!" - TrulyDisturbing.com
"Sounds like a ton of fun." - BadLit.com
"If it''s sleazy B-movie grindhouse, it''s gotta be PollyGrind." - ArrowintheHead.com
"A film festival for the creative souls who support the ''girls, guns and gore'' mantra of (Chad Clinton) Freeman’s genre indie filmmaking website Pollystaffle.com." - Vegas Seven
"There''s a fine line, certainly, between underground genre weirdness and artistic ambitions, and the festival will no doubt do everything possible to blur it." - Las Vegas Weekly